Ladies Your Body Loves You

Ladies.... Your Body Loves You 💜

Your Body is a badass.
Your body is like you have Harley Quinn, John Wick and Jack Reacher protecting you 24-7-365.
Now that is pretty awesome shizzle!

No nonsense.
No BS.

Just doing her damn hardest to get you through each day, no matter what you throw at her!

If there’s even a hint that you may get hurt physically or emotionally, she jumps in with her war paint on, all guns blazing to eradicate the threat!! Bam!

She is ready. She will fight to the death, doing anything she can to protect you! Anything.

When you’re faced with emotional events, traumatic turns and physical pain, she protects you as best she can.

Your body, she is intelligent, she is beautiful, she is ALWAYS working for you. She is on high alert at all times.

But, your body can’t tell whether you are in imminent danger of being eaten by a tiger, or whether you sat at home having an anxiety attack. She can’t tell if you’re infer threat of being attacked on the way home, if you’re experiencing an episode of road rage or if you’re worrying about the unknown. No matter what she jumps in, no matter what.

Stress, is stress, is stress... the body responds in similar ways regardless of the stimulus. Your body tries to shield you whenever you face any type of stress.

If you‘re going through shizzle right now, lean into the protection your body gives and be grateful for the love she is shows you.

Your body, she just needs to know that she is safe- then she’ll back off and chill.

How awesome is she??? Show your body some love, for she loves you that much 💜

If you’re struggling, then reach out.
By working with an integrative approach, can help the body to feel safe, so she can take a break every now and then.
Maybe Hybrid Therapy UK can help you 💜

#hybridtherapyuk #integrativeholistichealthcare #anftherapy