Testing and Your Health & Wellness

Testing, tracking and monitoring have come to the forefront of health and wellness over the past few years and are now more accessible than ever.

I believe that they have their place and are ideal for a tangible result and using as benchmarks to determine the effectiveness of any strategies or action plans you are implementing.

But, they are not the be all and end all of wellness. Far more important is knowing yourself and what is regular or optimal for you.

So, when clients come to see me , testing is not always the first port of call on the road to wellness. Though it does have its place, which is why I offer the HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) test, and I have multiple training courses and test interpretations under my belt that have helped me to hone my skills in supporting my clients.

If you would like to learn more about the HTMA then you can find details here: https://www.serendipitywellness.co.uk/htma

As a holistic wellness consultant and multi disciplinary therapist (MSc.), you will likely know by now that I am committed to helping women to become more in tune with their bodies, overcome symptoms and achieve optimal health and wellness.

I aim to use the most effective tools and approaches possible.

Whilst hormone testing can be beneficial in some instances, as women approach their 40’s, it can often be a waste of money or inconclusive, as the results may not be reliable. Though every individual’s unique situation is considered and the approach and recommendations will be based upon this. The goal is for sustainable change and long lasting relief, whilst using the best approach for the client, you. As a practitioner I have a responsibility to provide the best possible care, which is why I am continually updating my skills and knowledge to provide evidence-based, compassionate care that is tailored to your individual needs

This is why I use the HTMA test when necessary, on and above blood tests or hormone tests like OAT and DUTCH. There is lots of information and pros and cons, and it can become confusing.

Let me explain…

The DUTCH hormone test isn't the gold standard in hormone testing, 24 hour urine collection is- but this is not practical in most situations. 

The DUTCH test can provide the ‘what’, but not the ‘why’. Your symptoms, patterns and what your body tells me can also give me the what, so rather than an expensive test, unless we need further clarity, then it’s unnecessary.

If your hormones are out of balance then the why is much more important to recognise. This will aid in getting to the root cause of your issues, which is likely nutrient imbalances/ deficiencies gut health- hence the HTMA test. 

There’s no point testing your oestrogen and progesterone levels in your 40’s whether by blood or a DUTCH test. When you get to your 40’s the information from a DUTCH test may be a little misleading as your hormones fluctuate so much in your peri and menopausal years. You are more than numbers on a piece of paper.

One day oestrogen is up, next its down, then up, down, up down. So if you test on a day when it's high then you may get an incomplete picture. Similarly, one month you may ovulate and the next you don't, so progesterone levels are on that rollercoaster too.

In the peri-menopause years we have stop-start ovulation, (and ovulation is how we make progesterone). This is one reason why one month you may have little to no symptoms, and another month you seem to have loads of them!

The DUTCH catches one day's worth of hormone fluctuations, so basing an action plan on one DUTCH test is perhaps a little short-sighted.

Blood testing is cheap, (sometimes free, if your GP is on board) so you can start to see patterns over time in blood, but again its just a snapshot in time. If you're on HRT you can monitor your dose depending on symptoms.

The HTMA shows how your body is handling heavy metals and minerals over time. So it's another reason I like it.

I hope my explanation gives you a better understand of my approach to wellness and testing, and why it is not always my go to.