Bach Flower Remedies at Serendipity Wellness® with Tracy Richardson MSc.

What is a flower remedy?

Flower remedies or essences are are a non-invasive, life enhancing, subtle energy therapy that uses botanical essences to promote healing from within. Like homeopathic remedies, they are vibrational in nature and embody the specific energetic patterns of each flower.

The Bach flower remedies were developed in the 1930’s, though likely were used in ancient civilisations with origins in Ancient Egypt, Sumeria and China. It is believed that the morning dew that appeared on the flowers retained the healing properties of the flower. More recently the Flower Essence Society has developed further complimentary essences.

The life force of the flower is contained within the water matrix. When you ingest the dew, the healing information is integrated into your bio-energetic field. Every flower has a particular knowledge that it imprints into that dew.

What are they used for?

Flower essences are used to address emotional states that may prevent the body form healing and to bring about improved wellbeing, soul development and mind-body health

Flower essences have been proven to have a positive effect on the reduction of anxiety, as a therapeutic remedy for pain relief, and for emotional upset, though they have been used to support other therapies.

Flower Remedies at Serendipity Wellness® with Tracy Richardson MSc.

How do they work?

Flower essences can be compared to hearing a piece of music that may stimulate your senses and evoke emotions within you, this may influence your breathing, heart rate, and other physiological states within you. The essences don’t impact you directly on the physical level, they activate something within you, whether on a cellular or soulful level, that promotes healing through resonance. 

When flower resonance introduced to the body resonance it begins to change the energy and water in the body. Working to restore harmony on a deeper level. Research has recently proved that water has a memory

Flower essences works on the premise that every flower has a particular healing attribute in the form of a vibrational frequency. The particular qualities, structure or shape of the flower resonate within you and your vibration rises or falls to meet that of the flower essence- it matches the note. If there is an emotional imbalance caused by anxiety, ingesting a flower essence that provides the vibrations of courage counteracts the fear vibration. This is known as sympathetic resonance, much like playing a note on a piano and matching it with your voice.

Why does Tracy use them?

As a holistic practitioner, Tracy looks at the bigger picture and the whole person, not just the symptoms, and so utilises a variety of frequency based therapies as part of integrative therapy.

Modern medicine focuses on the physical body symptom manifestations (the body hardware) and has not accepted the concept of ‘software' or emotional, mental and cellular resonance being relevant to root causes. 

Vibrational medicine is an evolving viewpoint that considers the many forms and frequencies of vibrating energy that contribute to the “multi-dimensional” human energy system. Such as cellular energy e.g. mitochondria, the systems of energy flow within the body e.g. meridians, chi, chakras, the patterns of disharmony from within and without e.g. EMF and emotional trauma and the therapeutic re-harmonising patterns of entrainment e.g. the coherence of water molecules in the body with an external resonance.

Flower remedies work amazingly well to support the emotional system and support healing.

Flower remedies at Serendipity Wellness with Tracy Richardson

How are they used?

They come in a dropper bottle and are usually taken as 4 drops under the tongue 4 times a day.

Though they can be added them to any liquid that you ingest or apply topically such as morning coffee, water, juice, and shampoo. You can also add them to your atomiser or diffuser.

Why should you use them?

(Di) stress has a negative impact upon you and the flower essences are a gentle and effective way of supporting emotional traits that prevent you from living a stress less life. They are easy to integrate into daily life, can aid you at times of excess stress and support you on the way to wellness.


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  • When you attend a session, I trust that you are committed and motivated to make a change in your life and do the work that it requires.

  • Whilst many people notice a significant and rapid change, the final result varies from person to person.

  • As an ethical practitioner Tracy is committed to delivering the results that you need in the shortest time possible.