Work remotely- virtual consultation

Online virtual consultations

Consultations take place virtually online where Tracy is able to continue to support clients with an alternative to in clinic sessions, so it's a great way for people to still access services.

Many of you have taken advantage of the virtual sessions, but for those who aren’t aware of this as an option, here's a little more detail.

It’s a great option that has been used to work with clients locally, nationally and with international clients.

So if you’re not local- there’s no problem.

These sessions are done online over video call or Zoom. 

The purpose of these sessions, as with all of my sessions, is to be of the greatest help and benefit to you as I possibly can be.

What does the session involve?

The session itself is a little different than an in person face to face consult, but we’ll try to keep the format as similar as we can.

We’ll start off with an initial conversation about what’s going on with you, and your health history (that will have been provided on your intake form). Similar to how we discuss and assess your main complaints within an in person session.

We’ll then go through any relevant assessments- either with palpation of self or movement.

How do I work?

I work with intention, and with the body’s natural hierarchy of need in determining what we need to do in order to deal with the issues(s) to help restore the body to ideal health. Sometimes, I need to understand the potential cause and/or contributing factors, sometimes I can go right into what the body needs to resolve the complaint. I draw upon many hours of education, experience and intuition to do so.

For example with something like shoulder pain, I may need to know more about contributing factors in order to address it, such as historic injuries, general health, ongoing issues, medications, stress levels etc. In order to address the symptoms, I try to establish the causes, by gaining a level of understanding about the issues, in order to determine a course of action to resolve it.

After determining/ addressing the body’s priorities and your main complaints, some examples of things that are often done to help a person’s body overcome issues are; lifestyle changes, exercises, myofascial release (which can also be done remotely/energetically through intention), emotion processing, ANF therapy etc. 

What happens after the call?

Following the call, I’ll send a follow up email with details of the next steps and any links or advice etc. Where ANF Therapy discs are required, I’ll forward these to you in the mail by recorded delivery along with instructions for placement. If you can then let me know when you receive the discs, and apply them as per the protocol included- if you’re unsure in any way then we can schedule a complimentary call so that I can help with the disc placement.

We’ll then schedule a follow up call in 3-4 days time, to review the treatment and discuss the next steps. The process is pretty similar to what we would normally do in face to face treatment sessions.

With what I do, sometimes things make sense, sometimes they don’t. Oftentimes the solution may not make linear sense, but the human body is under no obligation to make sense to us, and I do not comprehend everything about it, because many of its intricacies are beyond our realm of consciousness.

Some people have asked how I use my intuition, I want to stress that it’s not magic…but it can have magical results. It is something that has developed more so over the past few years, upon listening to what I sense. We all have a sense of intuition, but its something that like everything needs to be used regularly in order to become better at using it. This intuition, is certainly supported by understanding and factual knowledge. I have always placed a huge value upon lifelong learning, continuing education, science and facts, though intuition acts a a guide. 


I do hope this was helpful in understanding more about what a virtual consult and working with me remotely entails.

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In love + wellness

Tracy x

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