Quantum Nutritional Therapy at Serendipity Wellness® with Tracy Richardson MSc.

Is this you?

Do you struggle with what to eat, when to eat, how to eat and why to eat?

Often ‘mindless’ eating is triggered by something- an experience/event/trauma as a way of coping. Much the same as any of our subconscious coping strategies. 

It’s the feeling we get that makes us essentially feel ‘safe’ and also lights up our dopamine receptors in the brain. It is not necessarily the food, but the act of eating and the feelings it creates.

I’m not suggesting change will be easy- it’s a shift in perspective and sometimes paradigms.

Look at not what you will lose, but what you will gain if you make a small change. 

I am an advocate of quantum nutrition and mindful eating and incorporating whole food nutrition, quality water and supplements only as and when required.


What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

When it comes to what we put into our bodies- it is obviously important.

What we choose to fuel ourselves with influences how we feel- there is a direct nervous system link from your gut/ intestines to the brain, called the vagus nerve- so what ever goes in affects things like our mood and our focus.

This is one of the ways the vagus nerve makes you feel- have you ever had butterflies in your tunny- you know that nervous, anxious feeling before an interview, a big exam or a first date? That is your brain sending signals along the vagus nerve and you feel that sensation in your tummy. It’s a 2 way feedback loop.

So if we are filling our bodies with ‘junk’ then it makes us feel like junk.

If we fill our bodies with nutrients and things that it can use to create energy, then it uses these and we feel good.


What is cellular nutrition?

Cellular nutrition can be described as the process of making sure our body's cells receive the nutrients they need so they can perform all of their major functions to help you achieve optimal health at the cellular level.

What is Quantum Nutrition Therapy?

Next level nutrition that focuses on nourishing you at a cellular level.

Quantum Nutrition Therapy is about finding what works best for you to bring about sustainable changes, better choices and working towards optimal function for your body.

It is about looking at where you are now and how you can do better for your body, mind and emotions at a cellular level.

Tracy works with you to identify areas for improvement and what you are already doing that’s working, so that you can fuel your body for a life you want to love!


This is all part of your integrative therapy and will be discussed where deemed appropriate- Tracy will always prioritise the fundamentals first.


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  • When you attend a session, I trust that you are committed and motivated to make a change in your life and do the work that it requires.

  • Whilst many people notice a significant and rapid change, the final result varies from person to person.

  • As an ethical practitioner Tracy is committed to delivering the results that you need in the shortest time possible.