Breathwork at Serendipity Wellness® with Tracy Richardson MSc.

 What is Breathwork?

It’s a very powerful healing tool that I use and recommend every day! 

Learning to breathe in a better way, that is more effective and efficient way for the body can shift and transform the way you breathe and this can have a positive effect on your wellness. 

You can cultivate more natural energy, release tension, reduce pain, enhance sleep and can help you reconnect with a deeper sense of calm, enabling you to experience a more vibrant life.

Breathwork can help to reduce the overwhelm, quiet the end and allow you the space to calm the system. 

Why does Tracy use Breathwork?

Tracy utilises Breathwork to slow the mind and calm the nervous system, the body will follow, because when the nervous system feels safe, healing can take place.

There is a connection between the mind and breathing, for example if you are anxious your breathing can change based upon your emotions or thoughts. But the mind is an amazing tool that you can consciously influence to regulate your emotions, mood, instincts, desires, and thoughts.

Becoming more in tune with your breathing can support your concentration and focus and increases your self awareness and connection to yourself. When your heart, mind, emotions, and body are in harmony, you are more resilient and better able to manage challenges you face.

Some of the benefits:

  • Boosts physical health

  • Boosts energy

  • Strengthens your voice

  • Improves clarity

  • Rleives tension in the body

  • Reduces fatigue

  • Increases calmness

  • Improves ability to cope with stress

  • Brings vitality into the body

  • A greater connection with yourself

  • Decrease pain

  • Increase strength

  • Optimise healing potential.

How does Tracy bring her unique style into meditation and breathwork?

Tracy believes in the trinity of S’s- the experience, which you can read more about here

Guiding people into their quiet via breathwork and meditation is one of the most helpful practices Tracy uses to support your healing and evolution- and it is something Tracy has used for over 20 years- since she first began teaching Pilates back on 2006. 

It doesn't have to be an intense hour long psychedelic experience, but it can be. It doesn't have to be something that takes up more time and space in your day, yet another thing to add to the pile of “self-care I should be doing but don't have time to do.”

It can be integrated into your every day. 

If you're open to it, I invite you to allow me to guide you with your practice.

This is often incorporated into 121 therapy session as sometimes it is better to have an assessment/ consultation if this relates to a something else you have going on.

Though it is also as part of Breathwork & Meditation classes Tracy offers.


The details provided is intended for informational and educational purposes only. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition, and should not be used as a substitute for any medical examination, diagnosis or treatment and that nothing detailed should be construed as such. Recipient of this notice so affirms before partaking in any and all information and related links, etc. 

  • When you attend a session, I trust that you are committed and motivated to make a change in your life and do the work that it requires.

  • Whilst many people notice a significant and rapid change, the final result varies from person to person.

  • As an ethical practitioner Tracy is committed to delivering the results that you need in the shortest time possible.